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The Voice of Executive Member

Old Boys Association

"It is a wonderful opportunity for me to share my views via newly introduced site for Old Boys Association. OBA needs to look forward with support of all seniors and juniors to build on the foundations established by our predecessors and explore new avenues. New committee will bring both change and continuity. Committee aims to make OBA a spiritual home for all members regardless of generation and give greater meaning to its existence.

We recognize the need to place more emphasis on improving communication and outreach to our greater alumni while we continue our support of Sujanians mission. Means, we need to improve our connectivity and leverage on technology. We realize that we could do much better by exploring the talent.

So, whether it’s mentoring cadets as part of the Sujanians-at-large or internship programmes taking part in their grooming. To ensure that our cadets get into NDA and good Institutions in India and abroad like Engineering, Medicine and administrative services. It is important to finetune a robust system that suits the requirements and aspirations. I also feel that cadets need more exposure to real life challenges, ask the right questions; think independently; and balance the complexities of life.

2020 has been a good year with installation of MIG-21, VIJAYNTA Tank, RZ-13 Missiles system and Torpedo for the school by the efforts of OBA. It brought glory and fame and will help to motivate the cadets. We look for ways to make membership with OBA more attractive. I pray that members will be mindful that joining OBA is not so much about what you can get but what you can do to support and enrich our roots. We must continue to aspire to be “Men of Integrity and Men for Others”. In the meantime, my priority would be to ensure that the momentum generated by the OBA is sustained.

I thank you in advance for your continuing support, participation and contribution in making the OBA one that other schools will wish to emulate."

Mr. Sunil Rana
Roll No. - 1156
Batch - 17th

The Voice of Batch Representative

Old Boys Association

Its never been easy to bid good bye. But every sujanian member has to go through this stage reluctantly. Reminiscing last moments in the school makes us nostaligic and our eyes welled up with tears. Indeed it was really a painful moment for all of us.

Its very hard to think of a life without sujanian fraternity. We get involve ourselves in the social and personal responsibilities, but always stand up for any sujanian cause. And thats where our "Old Boys Association" takes the lead. The OBA is now a family of almost 36 batches. Here senior, junior tag diminished and only brotherhood comes at fore.

There is no denying in recognizing that it has been run sprucely by successive elected members of the association . Now we should look farward in reorganizing the perspectve of OBA to the next level. As i illustrated before, any association flourishes only if it meets healthy strength of members. Since we got our hands on this objective appeasinginly, now its a right time to work in unison..

With the accessibility of technical gadgets in pockets, it is now easier to connect with our sujanian family.The paramount task is to bring together our brothers who are gone incognito. The members here represents distinct fields such as Armed forces, civil services, Govt as well as private sectors and many have tried their hands on their own buiseness. The need of the hour is to usher the services of these brilliant brains for the betterment of our school and ofcourse OBA.

As we elect our representatives bianually, we must support and encourage them as they have come out volutarily for the service bereft of monetarily gains. We may be sitting at the different corners of the world, but the brotherhood shall remains forever and let us join our hands to excell our primary motto of the school "Pursuit of Excellence".

Mr. Nitin Dogra
Roll No. - 1551
Batch - 21st

The Voice of Young Guns

Old Boys Association

We humans define ourselves from purpose. We are always looking for something to believe in whether big or small. It is what makes our lives. For some this purpose is their own needs and for a very few is others needs. We do for our selves a lot from morning to evening but what this is about is the later “others needs”. The purpose is bringing change in the society. How do we do it? It is simple “together’”.

There is no “I’ only “We”. Any association stands on unity and not just on saying that we are united. The day whole batches think we as a family and not just that the batchmates are family we could put dent in the society towards positive deviation. In bringing changes in the society we have to put aside our egos and listen every perspectives. The Sujanian family is well placed in all circles which can guide and help our juniors for their future.

After Sainik school we have studied in various institutes for our higher studies but never got the same environment as we had in our school. We always treated each other as our family after the school , which don’t happen in other institutes. And this is the best part of Sujanians. So now we have to really unite to put some dent in the society.

From past many years we are again and again lifting up this point but every time after few days we simply neglected this issue. On every 2nd Nov we elect our new president and committee by criticizing the last one but ever we asked ourselves whether we supported the last one in helping the others or boosting up the Sujanian spirit. It’s fact that as a whole family bonding in front of batch wise bonding lacks a bit.

So to unite and work together all BR’s can easily convince their classmates and automatically the family will get united. “A true selfless act always sparks another”.

Mr. Lakhan Kumar
Roll No. - 2625
Batch - 30th